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Pilihan Kemasan

Standing Pouch

Packaging Standing Pouch merupakan kemasan yang bisa berdiri dan bentuknya menyerupai kantung. Standing Pouch dari Digipack by Supernova dapat dilengkapi dengan zipper lock yang bisa dibuka atau ditutup kembali. Selain praktis, packaging Standing Pouch juga kuat, anti lecet, dan tahan benturan sehingga produk aman dari kebocoran. Jadi bisa dipastikan produk yang dikemas menggunakan packaging ini akan terjaga kualitasnya.

Keunggulan Kemasan Standing Pounch

Features and Options (Add-Ons)
K-Seal Bottom and Plow Bottom are two more types of bottom gusset pouches which are modified from the round bottom pouches for extra weight capacity.
Resealable Zipper
Clear Window
Glossy/Matte Finish
Tear Notch
Ergonomic Handle
Common Materials
K-Seal Bottom and Plow Bottom are two more types of bottom gusset pouches which are modified from the round bottom pouches for extra weight capacity.
Resealable Zipper
Clear Window
Glossy/Matte Finish
Tear Notch
Ergonomic Handle
Product Recommendation
K-Seal Bottom and Plow Bottom are two more types of bottom gusset pouches which are modified from the round bottom pouches for extra weight capacity.
Resealable Zipper
Clear Window
Glossy/Matte Finish
Tear Notch
Ergonomic Handle

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Standing Pouch

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